GLI Online English


[ Emergencies only / GLI Online School Japan Office ]
Weekdays 14:00-20:00 Saturday 12:00-17:00


Biography and Words of Representative

Representative Minoru Kaburagi

Representative Minoru Kaburagi

After 25 years of operating a tutoring school in Tokyo, an area where entrance examinations are extremely competitive, with 2,200 students, he realized the need for global education and established GLI seven years ago, an English conversation school where even elementary school students can acquire full-fledged English proficiency in all four skills.

English is a means of communication. We believe that it is important to be able to think and communicate using English, so we developed a textbook using the CLIL method, in which English is used to learn how the world works. The school opened as a global school that aims to acquire not only English skills but also global skills.

The program will promote mutual exchange with orphanages, elementary and secondary schools, and language schools in the Philippines, Nepal, Indonesia, Cambodia, Bangladesh, and Costa Rica, based on the importance of the progression of learning from knowledge → application → hands-on experience.

The FF course, the final course for elementary school students, is the goal of elementary school learning. Students research, summarize, and present on the most interesting topics they have studied up to that point in their project learning. Students will be able to acquire their own interests and explore them in depth. To be able to have one's own opinion and to be able to assert it with dignity. These qualities will guide them to their next career path and make them more active in their studies.

Currently operates schools in Harumi and Hiroo, Tokyo, and Musashi-Kosugi, Kanagawa Prefecture.


As parents, no parent wants their children to be happy.
We want them to live happily and prosperously after they leave their parents' hands. That is why we try to give them the education they need. The same thought is always there.

When children are young, they are a mass of interest and initiative. They are interested in everything and concentrate forever. They are geniuses who show interest in and concentrate on even trivial things such as trains, cars, dolls, insects, and national flags. The happy expression on a child's face as he or she concentrates and faces the world makes us happy as well. I have met many children who have memorized all the flags of the world at a very young age. Seeing such a characteristic of a child, my husband and I were happy to think that our child was a genius. Nowadays, students can go on to university based on the pursuit of their interests (comprehensive selection). It is a system of entrance examinations in which the results of a single, in-depth study of a single subject are evaluated.

However, the interest in things and the initiative to work on something that disappears with advancing age. What is the reason for this? If you have ever worked with children or raised children, you know why. Initiative and interest do not disappear; they are taken away by adults.
Last year, the term "educational abuse" became popular. It refers to parents' one-sided deviation value education, studying for entrance examinations, and forcing their children to study and acquire academic credentials against their will. The industry has made it common sense to start junior high school entrance examinations in the latter half of the third grade of elementary school. Third graders still want to play a lot, and there are many qualities they should acquire through play, but they have to sacrifice these qualities to go to cram school. I believe that this is also a choice made in the hope that they will acquire an academic background and be happy in the future.
In the past, that was fine. But times have changed. The world has changed. The future will change even more. If education is a preparatory work for the future, then education must also change to prepare for a drastically changing future. That is the current educational reform. However, the reality is that it is difficult to change. This is the fault of adults who still believe in the old style of education and examinations and the value of the results, and the negligence of those who cannot cope with the changes.
Apathy and indifference gradually increase with advancing age. In an 18-year-old awareness survey conducted by the Nippon Foundation, 9.6% thought the future of the country was bright and 18.3% thought the country and society could be changed by themselves (2019), the lowest by far of the 9 countries surveyed. Where exactly is the responsibility or cause for this? Perhaps adults know the answer to that question as well.
If adults do not change their awareness, behavior, and education now, children and Japan will certainly not be able to compete in the world in the future. According to various data, Japan is already a "backward" country in terms of development. Education is the only way to make this steep downhill slope a little smoother. No parent wants to send their children off to a declining society. No parent wants their child to suffer in the future.
So please. The ability of adults to envision the future determines the future of our children. I hope that you will make the right educational choices by correctly envisioning the future and exercising your reading comprehension of the future. The ability to survive in the future is not deviation that can be used in Galapagos Japan, but global skills and a global mindset that can be used worldwide. An education that will enable you to become a person who can create many chairs for society and the world, rather than an education that takes away your one chair of success. If we think of education in this way, children will shine. And Japan will surely improve.
Shift from scores to an education that nurtures (does not undermine) qualities, abilities, and motivation. Shift from a pass for one's own success to an education that considers the benefit of society and the world.
Imagine, 20 years from now, your child will be alive and well, looking up at the blue sky with his or her chest outstretched. I would like to think together with you about what you should do now and what choices you should make to achieve this.
GLI is committed to providing an education that will bring happiness and enrichment to parents, children, society, and the world. As a global education coordinator, GLI hopes to be a partner in education where we can imagine and create the future together, and be involved in the education of children together.